Sophia Leitenmayer – Three River Pieces

A Portjouney Collaboration with Ono Point, Tsurumi/ Yokohama and HyCP Hamburg The work consists of three river pieces: one for the Ōoka River, one for the Katabira River, and one for the Tsurumi River that runs through the city of Yokohama. This 7-channel sound installation…


The amount of daylight in Finland varies greatly according to the season. From the white nights of the arctic summer to the darkness of the polar nights, Finland is home to natural phenomena which do not occur in Japan. In his installation at Gallery Forum…


Michael Kress, is a conceptual artist, born in 1964, in Munich, Germany, living in Hamburg. The focus of his work is semiotics and language as a normative moment in the construction of a media-identity.


Forum Box aims to be a space open for all forms of art. We present contemporary artists, both Finnish and international, established and emerging. We organise each month an art exhibition plus several live arts events – meetings with the artists exhibiting, performance art, concerts,…


Zou-no-hana Terrace initiated the “PORT JOURNEYS” project in 2011, to build relations upon an axis of cross-cultural exchange, through the collaboration of world port municipalities engaged in creative community development, cultural facilities, and artists.Zou-no-hana Terrace forms a hub for Yokohama City’s vision of “Creative City…


The platform project Hyper Cultural Passengers (HyCP) questions the myth of the autonomous – and thereby self-sufficient – subject and proposes instead the figure of the hypercultural passenger. This passenger embarks a metaphorical – and a real – journey: The passenger leaves behind the Mainland of fixed identity and navigates towards “Relocations of Thinking” (Francois Jullien), thereby inquiring and reinterpreting the seemingly fixed and inseparable connection of culture and identity.